



What is progressive delivery?

Fri Mar 01 2024

Gone are the days when software releases were big, scary events that happened once in a blue moon.

You know the drill: long nights, gallons of coffee, and crossed fingers hoping nothing breaks. Welcome to a smarter, safer, and more controlled way of getting your features into the hands of users.

This is where progressive delivery steps in. It's not just a buzzword; it's a strategic approach that could change how you think about software releases. Let's dive in and unpack what this means for you and your team.

Introduction to progressive delivery

At its core, progressive delivery is about breaking down software releases into manageable, bite-sized pieces. Think of it as delivering new features and updates in stages, rather than all at once. This approach gives you more control, allowing you to test, refine, and ensure each part is ready before moving on to the next. It's a game-changer for modern software development, making releases smoother and less prone to errors.

The journey from traditional release methods to progressive delivery is quite the evolution. Imagine moving from a world where software updates were rare and risky events, to a dynamic environment where changes are made continuously and incrementally. This shift didn't happen overnight. It's the result of years of learning, experimenting, and adapting to new technologies and practices. The goal? To minimize risks, improve quality, and deliver value faster.

By adopting progressive delivery, you're not just updating software; you're reshaping how your team works and how your users experience updates. It's about making sure that every release is a step forward, not a potential step back.

Core concepts of progressive delivery

Feature flags play a crucial role in progressive delivery. They let you switch features on or off without redeploying the application. Imagine having a remote control for features in your app. That's what feature flags offer. They're like conditional code statements that enable you to test new features in production safely. You can gradually expose new features to users, collecting feedback and making adjustments as needed. For more on mastering feature flags, check out this article by Martin Chaov.

Canary releases and blue/green deployments are about risk mitigation. Canary releases involve rolling out changes to a small group of users before a full rollout. Think of it as dipping a toe in the water before jumping in. You monitor the impact, ensure everything works fine, and then proceed to a broader release. Blue/green deployments take a similar approach but with environments. You have two identical environments: blue (current) and green (new). Once the green is tested and deemed stable, traffic shifts from blue to green, minimizing downtime and risk. For insights on traffic shaping and its role in canary releases, Cindy Sridharan's piece provides valuable information.

Both methods provide a safety net, allowing you to test in production without fully committing. They offer a rollback option if things go south, ensuring minimal impact on users. By implementing these strategies, you create a seamless, risk-managed pathway for new features, making progressive delivery a smart choice for modern software development.

Implementing progressive delivery

Setting up a progressive delivery pipeline requires careful planning and execution. Start by embracing test-driven development (TDD). This ensures your code meets functionality from the get-go. Keep builds fast and reliable by optimizing build times and ensuring reproducibility.

Environment setup is next. Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for consistent and reliable deployments. Containerization with tools like Docker or Kubernetes simplifies deployment and management. For managing dependencies and versioning, tools like npm or Maven are indispensable, ensuring consistency across your pipeline.

Segmentation of user traffic is crucial. Implement feature flags to control feature rollouts. This allows testing new features with a subset of users. Canary releases and blue/green deployments further mitigate risks by gradually introducing changes to users or environments.

Monitoring strategies must be in place. Continuous monitoring helps identify performance bottlenecks and errors. Tools like Prometheus and Grafana are great for monitoring service level objectives (SLOs). Ensure security and compliance by integrating security scanning tools and compliance checks into your pipeline.

Canaries and feature flags in progressive delivery allow for testing in production with minimal risk. Canaries enable rolling out changes to a small user subset, monitoring the impact before a broader release. Feature flags offer flexibility, enabling or disabling features without redeployment. Both methods provide a safety net, allowing you to gather real-world feedback and make data-driven decisions.

Remember, progressive delivery is about delivering software iteratively to ensure quality and reliability. By following these steps and considering key aspects like environment setup, user segmentation, and monitoring, you set the stage for successful software releases.

Benefits of progressive delivery

Reduced rollback needs stand out as a prime advantage of adopting progressive delivery. With features like canary releases and blue-green deployments, you can introduce changes gradually. This approach catches issues early, minimizing the need for wholesale rollbacks.

Enhanced user experience comes from deploying updates that have been vetted in real-world conditions. Feature flags allow for on-the-fly adjustments, ensuring only the best features reach your users. This tailors the user experience, making it more responsive and personal.

Improved stability and reliability are byproducts of continuous testing and monitoring. Automated testing at every pipeline stage ensures only the highest quality code progresses. This builds a more stable and reliable application, fostering trust with your users.

Progressive delivery supports CI/CD practices by automating the build, test, and deployment processes. This automation streamlines workflows, making them more efficient and error-resistant. It's a natural extension of CI/CD, focusing on delivery with an emphasis on quality and user feedback.

A/B Testing with progressive delivery offers a refined approach to feature evaluation. You can serve different versions of a feature to segmented user groups, gathering data on performance and preference. This data-driven approach informs development, ensuring that only the most effective features proceed to full release.

Each step in the progressive delivery pipeline builds on the last, ensuring that every release enhances the product in meaningful ways.

Managing complexity and real-time feedback in progressive delivery

Handling multiple feature flags might seem daunting. Imagine juggling 10 flags, leading to over 1000 possible combinations. It's crucial to strike a balance. You don't want "zombie" features that never see the light of day. Automating tests for flag combinations ensures compatibility and prevents code bloat.

Real-time user feedback is gold but challenging to manage. Tools like LaunchDarkly offer solutions to roll out features gradually and gather instant feedback. This allows for quick adjustments or rollbacks if needed. Embrace tools that integrate user feedback directly into your development cycle for seamless improvement.

Best practices include test-driven development and continuous monitoring. Automated testing ensures new features don't break existing functionality. Continuous monitoring helps catch and fix issues in real-time. Collaboration tools that support clear communication between teams can also mitigate challenges.

Solutions like Infrastructure as Code (IaC) streamline environment setup, ensuring consistency across deployments. Containerization simplifies deployment and management, making it easier to test new features in isolated conditions.

Embrace automated tools for testing, deployment, and monitoring. They reduce manual errors and free up teams to focus on innovation. Enhanced collaboration techniques, including clear documentation and communication channels, ensure everyone stays on the same page.

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