



Statsig vs. LaunchDarkly

Statsig is the leading product observability platform that empowers teams to 10x their experimentation velocity, shipping every feature in a meaningful, data-driven way.

LaunchDarkly is a legacy feature flags platform. They offer a strong set of flag-focused features, as opposed to leaning into experimentation.

Statsig’s 4 main advantages over LaunchDarkly are:

  • Team-wide access

  • Experimentation features like Holdouts, Ultrasound, Smart Feature Gates

  • Multiple import/export options like APIs, Data Warehouses, Data Collectors, Webhooks, CSV

  • Comprehensive, reversible audit logs

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Statsig vs. LaunchDarkly

Feature Comparison
Unlimited Seats
Enable your entire team to leverage the tool
Consumption-based Pricing
Pay only for what you use on a usage basis with no MAU or seat limits
Unlimited MAU
No change in pricing based on hard to measure server-side or client-side MAUs
Core Feature Flag Use Cases
Feature toggles, continous delivery, testing in production, and more
SDKs for all Major Languages
Native support for all the most popular language libraries
Scheduled Rollouts
Incrementally release features over time
Impact Measurement/Analyses
Measure the impact of your feature rollouts on your business metrics
Approval Flows
Avoid errors and ensure compliance with peer review for code changes in production
In-Console Collaboration
Discuss planned features in-console with comments and discussion threads
No-Code Dynamic Config
Enable non-technical users to enter dynamic configuration values as simple name-value pairs, instead of requiring them to write code
Feature Lifecycle Management
Controls to view and manage feature gates throughout their lifecycle - all searchable in one place
API Controls
Manage Feature Flags via REST API
Global Holdouts
Persistent global holdout groups allow you to measure the cumulative impact of your changes
* This comparison data is based on research that was conducted in September 2023.

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What builders love about us

OpenAI OpenAI
Brex Brex
Notion Notion
SoundCloud SoundCloud
Ancestry Ancestry
At OpenAI, we want to iterate as fast as possible. Statsig enables us to grow, scale, and learn efficiently. Integrating experimentation with product analytics and feature flagging has been crucial for quickly understanding and addressing our users' top priorities.
Dave Cummings
Engineering Manager, ChatGPT
Brex's mission is to help businesses move fast. Statsig is now helping our engineers move fast. It has been a game changer to automate the manual lift typical to running experiments and has helped product teams ship the right features to their users quickly.
Karandeep Anand
At Notion, we're continuously learning what our users value and want every team to run experiments to learn more. It’s also critical to maintain speed as a habit. Statsig's experimentation platform enables both this speed and learning for us.
Mengying Li
Data Science Manager
We evaluated Optimizely, LaunchDarkly, Split, and Eppo, but ultimately selected Statsig due to its comprehensive end-to-end integration. We wanted a complete solution rather than a partial one, including everything from the stats engine to data ingestion.
Don Browning
SVP, Data & Platform Engineering
We only had so many analysts. Statsig provided the necessary tools to remove the bottleneck. I know that we are able to impact our key business metrics in a positive way with Statsig. We are definitely heading in the right direction with Statsig.
Partha Sarathi
Director of Engineering
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