Monthly Active Users (MAU)

Monthly Active Users, often abbreviated as MAU, is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the number of unique users who engage with a product or service within a 30-day period. This metric is commonly used in the digital industry, particularly in online platforms, mobile apps, and games, to assess the overall health and growth of the product.

In the context of Statsig, a user is considered a MAU if they trigger any event, gate check, or experiment check within a 28-day period. This definition can be customized based on the specific needs of the business.


Let's say you have an online game. If a user logs in and plays the game at least once within a 28-day period, they would be considered a MAU. If you have 1000 unique users who do this, your MAU would be 1000.

Additional Context:

Understanding your MAU can help you gauge the stickiness of your product and the loyalty of your user base. For instance, if your MAU is growing, it could indicate that your product is retaining users and possibly attracting new ones. Conversely, a declining MAU might suggest that users are not finding enough value in your product to use it regularly.

In Statsig, the MAU metric is part of the standard set of user accounting metrics, which also includes Daily Active Users (DAU) and Weekly Active Users (WAU). These metrics provide insights into user engagement and can inform growth strategies.

Related Metrics:

  • new_mau_28d: This is the count of users who became a daily active user within the last 28 days.

  • monthly_user_stickiness: This is the fraction of the previous month's users who have been active within the last 28 days. It provides an indication of user retention.

Remember, the exact definition of an active user can vary depending on your business and product. For example, an active user could be defined as someone who logs in, makes a purchase, or browses a feed for more than 20 seconds.

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